Sunday 17 February 2013

The Bride’s dress. Tick.

We may have been diminished in numbers for the posse but we were not diminished of enthusiasm as we headed again to look at wedding dresses on Friday. Using Neil’s car with sat nav, I didn’t need my goole maps with street view this time. However, after the experience of the last trip looking at dresses, both Granny and I had packed flasks, sandwiches etc “just in case”.
The first point of call was to AJBridal Wear in Newburn. We were met by A and J, in their temporary home an old Warmseal unit on a small industrial estate. Well at least we knew we would be warm...
First thing A and J said, after introductions, was – “Would you like a tea or a coffee?”. Lovely jubbly...
Second conversation was rather amusing. While starting to view the dresses, Lucy was telling A and J that her and Mark’s wedding would take place in Hexham Abbey. Both A and J were most impressed, not just the historic venue but it would be a “proper wedding!” as these days  the majority of weddings are civil services where everything is held in one venue . Then they added , “Don’t tell us you still live at home!!”; when Lucy replied that yes she did, A and J were both delighted. Lucy was the FIRST bride they had ever had (after a year in business) who lived at home and was having a church wedding...they then added quickly, “ You haven’t got a baby have you? “ NO....they were both stunned and further delight.
The tea and coffee arrived on a tray with some shortbread biscuits  - and we were off. The next two hours were a real joy! Alison and Julie were so friendly, helpful , amusing and very enthusiastic. And we had top ups of tea and coffee, AND there was a toilet...( see previous wedding dress shopping blog post for relevance of this!)
Lucy was expertly fitted into 5 or 6 dresses, getting a clearer idea of what she really liked and didn’t like with each one. Half way through, she found one which “just felt right”. Lucy swooshed around  very princess like, and we all agreed this was a real contender. Ohhh exciting...
Granny and I were constantly amused by the chatter from behind the silver silk screen. Julie “ I’m going underneath now...”; Lucy “ We’re in, we’re in....”’ Julie again, “Sorry Lus, I have to stick this in by your boobs...”
We heard about A and J's temporary relocation due to the terrible floods in Newburn when the North East of England was suffering the typhoon weather last year. We heard discreet tales of other brides, and about a seamstress called Tay-Yan in Milton Keynes who is something of a miracle worker. We heard about their passion for John Barrowman, pictures of him all over the office walls, and how they go and watch his shows all over the world.
Anyhow, there is an expression – “When you love what you do, you never have to work again” – and that was certainly true of A and J.
So we departed to head to our  next appointment, little did we know how different an experience we were going to have. We were all buzzing in the car at finding a “contender”, on route to the next bridal wear shop in Newcastle. We snatched a quick drink and sandwich in the car. I had to make a couple of telephone calls, so Lucy and Granny went in first. ( I am not going to name the shop as the experience was so poor!) I went into the shop about 5 minutes later, and as I joined the group – I heard one of the ladies saying to Lucy, “So, I don’t really know what to show you....” I gathered that Lucy had told her what she liked and they had in stock one of the styles Lucy had favoured. We were the shortest appointment they had ever had! We must have been there no more than 10 minutes. No tea, no trying enthusiasm, NO nothing!
We went back into the car, all totally bemused, none of us really sure what had happened in there. SO we headed back towards town...Lucy soon declaring that she really loved the one dress back with A and J. Well at some point you have to make the decision. And with a lead time of ordering a wedding dress between 6 to 8 months, it was getting close to decision time. So Lucy rang them and asked if we could call back in on our way back west so that she could try the contender on again.
Lucy rang Mark en route to tell him the exciting news, his reply.. “Well that’s another thing ticked off the list”. We know what he means...
Back in Newburn Industrial Estate we were greeted like old friends, more tea and coffee was produced ( I swear they had the kettle boiled ready since Lucy’s call) Lucy was helped into THE dress; Tay-Yan already contacted for a couple of queries regarding sewing miracles. So Lucy made the decision, yes this was the dress . She looked stunning..
We did the paperwork with John Barrowman smiling down on us.
As this decision sinks in, this was another of those memorable moments when another part of the jigsaw fell into place. You can start visualising the walk down the aisle, the receptions, the evening dancing with Lucy in this dress with Mark beside her. Tick!


  1. This has made me laugh out loud... literally! All sounds very exciting :) xx

    1. Thank you! We are all having a good time in the preparations. Please can you comment again with your name as it seems most comments are coming up as anonymous. Still working on the techie side of blogging!

  2. This was amazing to read - had a few laugh out loud moments, and I was there! Was an absolute pleasure meeting you all, and Lucy made a very beautiful Bride, love A and J. XX

  3. Thank you both so much! We loved every minute with you. H x
