Friday 15 March 2013

MOTB outfit – Top down or bottom up?

My lovely friend Barbara told me a good story recently on her flying visit to the North East from Muscat, which gave me food for thought. It was about one of her friends whose daughter got married last year. When the MOTB first went looking for an outfit – she found her perfect hat in Norma James boutique in Corbridge. It was exactly what she wanted, so she bought it. And as unlikely as it seems, she then worked her whole outfit very successfully to match the hat.

In my case, given my funny feet ( !!)  I know I will have to wear very comfortable shoes or else I will be in agony. So as the Spring season catalogue for Hotter Shoes “with comfort built in” recently plopped on the door mat, I think I may have found the shoes which would be the start of my outfit!

"Rumba" as seen above may just enable me to glide through the day, then boogie on down all night!

So the question is – if it works top down i.e. hat first – will it also work bottom up - shoes first?

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