Sunday 14 April 2013


Lucy and Mark were given a booklet from Granny called “Wedding Etiquette” published long before Granny and Grandpa’s wedding 52 years ago. It is full of handy hints from the late 1950’s relating to the BIG DAY. Much blog fodder I think.

While I wade through what to do and not do – here is an extract which had me smiling..

Entitled, “Cheerfulness” it reads...

Cheerfulness is of vital importance in domestic life as it helps you meet with good temper the little irritations and worries which are inevitable in running a household. The man does not always realise the anxieties and responsibilities with which his wife has to contend, and to look attractive and interesting after a harrassing day of domestic chores requires more than tactfulness, but men also have the responsibility, and the worry that goes with it, of being the provider, and a true woman proves herself the loved companion and wife when she combines sympathy, forebearance and tact without which her husband can never hope to succeed in his career.

That clearly explains a lot !!

Lucy has a theory that if you just wear the clothes the creases will drop out themselves, so no need to ever iron anything! Recently, Mark was ironing his shirts for work at our house. Lucy said she’d support Mark in his task by watching him, she soon announced that she was bored and disappeared leaving Mark to finish his shirt. Later over lunch I apologised to Mark that Lucy wasn’t very domesticated! Before he had chance to reply, Lucy piped up “ Well I may not be able to iron or cook, but I do know all the words to every Abba , Girls Aloud and Beyonce song” . Generally though, I'd say that Lucy is a cheerful soul, and so Mark's career is sorted!!

1 comment:

  1. Well seeing as Lucy is so confident in lyrics of songs & feels no apparent use for the iron & the ironing board except for possibly straightening long beautiful blonde hair.... the day may come along when it could just be useful to know a few easy laundry facts & take (some of) the load off Mark, so I'm pleased to be able to share the following with her.....H.Brush

    p.s. The last line will please the bride of song!

    FIRST LET'S START WITH LAUNDRY; Here are a few tips to make it easier:

    Purchase a laundry hamper that has three dividers and overhead rod for hangers. Sort laundry as you discard them. Use one divider for colored clothes, one for whites, and one for towels. Never ever put wet clothes in with dry ones not even overnight. They will mold and ruin your clothes. Hang the wet ones over head to dry. Reuse bath towels and hand towels.

    You can cut down on laundry by having designated towels by color for each spouse. Wash a load as you get one large enough to make a load. Don't let laundry pile up. Start laundry before starting other chores that way you can use your time to do other chores while it is going through the wash cycle. Don't overload your washer. Use the right amount of detergent. You don't want to waste time rewashing clothes. Fold and hang as soon as clothes are done drying. You don't want to iron.

    I'm sure Lucy will be eager to read more great housekeeping tips ......
