Sunday 28 April 2013

Give a man a job – Table seating plan SORTED!

One of the reasons Lucy and Mark wanted to send out the invitations so well in advance of the day was to have an early RSVP to give plenty of time for the table planning malarkey!  Many couples they know have said that this has been one of the most stressful parts to the wedding planning. So with some trepidation last weekend, the subject of table seating planning came up.

Being MOTB , and relishing in this type of task,  I organised two sheets of A3 paper ( one spare in case of emergencies) and then typed out all guests names , printed off and cut them up – so we had approximately 90 pieces of paper with everyone’s names on. We had a slight panic when Andrew E disappeared off the kitchen table. Andrew was nowhere to be seen. I reassured the Bride and Groom that he couldn’t have gone far, as I knew I had cut him up earlier.

Anyhow Mark took charge and armed with pencils, ruler, blu-tak and a tin of spaghetti hoops ( well they are round table at Close House!) he made a start. He pretty much insisted at sitting on the top table, so Lucy agreed! They were joking...I think.

After half an hour, Lucy and I had to go out to our regular Sunday aquafit class – so we left Mark with the pile of names, still no Andrew E and instructions not to blu- tak anyone until “we”  I mean Lucy (!!) was back to check it over. So as we splashed and bobbed in the pool – Mark took on the challenge.

We returned an hour later, and he’d finished! We were most relieved to discover that Andrew E had been found - he had got stuck under his girlfriend, one of the bridesmaids the lovely Sarah – so all was well.

“We” had to admit that Mark had got it pretty much perfect. A very neat table plan lay before us. Mark hadn’t even needed the spare sheet of paper!

Once again, I found that looking at all the names of people coming to the day time does makes me smile in anticipation. 

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