Saturday 15 June 2013

Auriole B

I have been a bit troubled hence the lack of posts ... I have to admit I have been putting off looking for my MOTB outfit!
A wedding etiquette site helpfully advises,
“Although it’s your daughter’s special day, as mother of the bride you’ll also get lots of attention. Choosing an wedding outfit is a complex process – do you dress to stand out or to blend in? Which hat should you wear? What length should the dress be? So many questions, so here's a few answers for all your mothers of the bride:
I am always rather hopeful that I will lose some weight, and one would have thought that with the wedding looming that would have motivated me. But I am what I am, I love food , and I do believe that we are not just our physical bodies, we are our soul and all that! So I have had to face up to the fact that I do need to sort out a MOTB outfit.
Copying my soon to be son in law – I multi task sometimes while sport is on the TV on an evening, and have looked at many MOTB outfits. It became very clear that I know what I don’t like better than what I do like! The one thing I do know is that I would like to wear the biggest, boldest hat I can, to almost fill the aisle in Hexham Abbey as walk Lucy down!!
 I actually hate shopping, and the thought of dragging round shops looking for a very special outfit really doesn’t inspire me!
So it was with great delight that I happened on a very interesting conversation recently with Debra at Hands On about a local dressmaker Auriole B. Auriole created Debra a stunning outfit for a society wedding at Hexham “Cathedral” which a certain Pippa Middleton attended.
So a week or so ago, on a glorious sunny day, now that I am back at the wheel ( carefully!)  “we” have our initial meeting. My Mum and Lucy came too – as “we” do...
We talked through styles, colours, fabric etc.

We left an hour later happy in a choice of a dress and jacket which Auriole will make a soft cotton mock up to see the style suits me. We left Auriole to work out how many whale bones she needs to order in – for the corsetry!! My friend Brenda has kindly offered to come with me next time as she operates a style company called Prasanna, her motto being "Dressing the inner woman".
I promise that as the project progresses; there will be further blog posts.

1 comment:

  1. Pure comfort inside & out ~ it will be a lovely but long day - easy on the corset's I'd say - as well as the feet, I know you have your shoes, but second pair for pure comfort - slippers?
    Hat - don't hide from us Hilary! We want to see you too.....
