Sunday 26 May 2013

Bridesmaids - Part 5 Steph (and Lola)

Steph and Lucy were friends at High school , and also both enjoyed the Splitz dancing classes and shows for many years together with Kate (and without them realising, Rachel).
Steph and Lucy really bonded when between the ages of 16 and 18, they both got part time jobs at the weekend cleaning the holiday lodges at Slaley Hall Hotel.
They had many funny times there...including Steph’s easy way of cleaning the banisters!

They always tried to be partnered together, or be in lodges next to each other so that they could spend their lunch breaks watching the reality show of that era “Ship wrecked”.  
Once they had both passed their driving tests and had cars, they took turns to drive up and back from Slaley, and Steph soon mastered the art of driving and applying make up at the same time!

We all have a lot to thank Steph for, because if it were not for Steph's persistent encouragement, there would no wedding - or MOTB blog. When Lucy and Mark had met "on line" through; and were emailing back and forward. Steph made sure that Lucy responded "yes" to Mark's request to meet up. And the rest, as they say, is history!

Steph is now a yummy mummy to the gorgeous Lola. Lola will be 14 months old in November, and the cutest Flower Girl ever at the big day!

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