Sunday 14 July 2013

Home Sweet Home - part 1

After months of keeping things under wraps, Lucy and Mark finally got the keys to their new home. A lovely house in the glorious Tyne Valley in Prudhoe (meaning Proud Heights) .
Mark has really shown his skills in all the negotiation to ensure it all went through smoothly. Lucy read the mortgage documents commenting that there were no pictures! Then she dutifully signed the dull contractual papers.

They have a few weeks now of decoration and cleaning and will move in the next week or so. They came back from Ikea last weekend with the beginnings of accessorising their new home including items such as doormats, tea and coffee canisters, 4 mugs and 2 beer glasses. Sounds like they have all they need. It is such an exciting time for them. And nice to do this now before the wedding flurry of activity starts in earnest. 

My Mum and Dad gave Lucy and Mark an excellent house warming gift. Two potatoes and a tin of beans. As Mam explained, if you have that you can always have a meal. They also gave them a sign to hang somewhere special. You will see it is perfect for Lucy.

It’s been all hands on deck, as all the immediate family have been to have a look at the new place, and then started to help them in the decoration/cleaning and odd jobs. Very exciting times.

Every house where love abides
And friendship is a guest,
Is surely home, and home sweet home
For there the heart can rest.
~Henry Van Dyke

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