Wednesday 22 May 2013

Bridesmaids - Part 1 Rachel

I am slightly incapacitated at the moment. A classic MOTB accident while attending a “Perfect Balance” Pilates/yoga type class – I over “balanced” and thereby dislocated my right shoulder! The resultant pain was excruciating, and second only to pain I’d experienced in child birth. Thankfully Hexham’s A&E department supplied morphine and sedative and the dislocated shoulder was popped back in. It now means a minimum of 2 weeks of left handedness and no driving. A funny coincidence is that growing up I was the only right handed one in my immediate family, My Mum, Dad and brother all lefties!
Once I got over the initial pain in my shoulder and arm and the frustration, I now see this as an opportunity to relax, watch films I would never get to watch, read books I have been piling up and do some blog research ( and slow left hand typing....)
One of the films I have watched was the 2011 film “Bridesmaids” starring Kristin Wiig. It’s entertaining enough and set me off thinking. Always dangerous. Lucy has five adult bridesmaids. They are all lovely ladies who have different connections to her and her life.
The Bridal magazines and internet sources offer much and varying advice on how to choose your bridesmaids, the wisest that I came across which is very relevant, being “ Only ask those you'll be thrilled to hear a "yes" from”. And that was true for Lucy when she asked Rachel, Kate, Joanne, Sarah and Steph.
I thought it might be nice to ask the bridesmaids what their favourite memory of Lucy is/was; which with their permission I can share on this blog.
Let’s start with Chief Bridesmaid to Princess Lucy also known as Rachel. Lucy and Rachel met as receptionists at the George Hotel, Chollerford. They immediately hit it off, and discovered that they had both been attending Splitz dancing for years, never having met as they were in different groups.
Lucy and Rachel formed 2 of the 4 “blonde receptionists” at the George at that time, Sonia and Jill being the other two who will also be attending the wedding to help celebrate in style.

I think Rachel could do her own blog from her story telling abilities! Enjoy..
“Lucy and I went on our road trip to Manchester to pick up my wedding dress last May - you can imagine 2 blondes trying to get to Manchester. Once we eventually got there the lady was at the front door - she looked me up and down and said 'your boobs are bigger than mine' me being me thought she was just being complimentary ha ha! We went inside and she had prepared her spare bedroom for me to try the dress on, once in I stripped down and climbed into the dress, before I even had it on Lucy was welling up. Once in I needed Lucy to do up the zip at the back, if you can imagine that the dress was sooo expensive in the shop when I had first seen it that this second hand version was my only chance to have the dress of my dreams so regardless of whether it fit or not I had to get into it. Poised and ready Lucy stood behind me and forced the zip up to just above my rib bone, we were at my bust and that is when we both realised what the lady had meant by 'my boobs were bigger than hers!!' Lucy bravely fought on and was as set on getting me into the dress as I was, with one last sharp pull the zip was up and I was in the dress, we had done it! I could not breathe but that was not an issue for either of us!! We were both emotional wrecks but the trip had been all worthwhile, a few hundred pounds and hundred miles later I had the dress of my dreams and I could not have done it without Lucy!”
Rachel in THE wedding dress greeting Lucy and Mark

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