Friday 24 May 2013

Bridesmaids - Part 3 Joanne

Joanne is Mark’s sister, and obviously met Lucy through Mark. I wasn’t sure if Jo would have a funny story/fond moment but she did, and it’s a lovely one!

“My favourite memory of Lucy is from our trip to Kielder in November 2011, it was so clear how much Lucy loved the place and acted as our tour guide.  Lucy helped me conquer my fear of birds at the birds of prey centre, for which I will always be grateful.”

Lucy and Jo at Kielder Birds of Prey Centre

Lucy’s love of Kielder is a funny thing really. As a child she had to spend many a day helping me (or being very bored in the car) while I worked on all sorts of events from Husky Dog Rallies, Swim marathons and folk festivals to numerous press launches, art works opening and cycle events!

MOTB and Lucy in 1996 at an event at Leaplish
I really love the place, and have very special memories of my 12 years working there. Lucy unbeknown to me must have absorbed that love, as at the time she really did give the impression she really didn’t like the place. When Lucy and Mark went on the trip Jo mentioned in November 2011, it wasn’t till they came back that she said she could not believe how much she loved Kielder. And how much she had enjoyed being the tour guide! Bless....

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