Saturday 25 May 2013

Bridesmaids - Part 4 Sarah

Lucy and Sarah first met from their time at Queen Elizabeth High School in Hexham, and in particular Health and Social Care courses. They kept in touch when they left school and then Lucy introduced Sarah to a job in restaurant management at The George Hotel, Chollerford - so they had a good time working alongside each other for a while. Lucy left The George to work at Family Chiropractic, so the girls  continued to meet up for long lunches, teas and a fair few good nights out. They both admit they could talk for England!

Anyway, here is Sarah’s memory.

“One of my favourite and funniest memories of Lucy is when we went to The Georges Staff Christmas party! As the party wasn’t exactly "swinging" we thought a few glasses of vino would help...The time ran away with us and we could not get a taxi home so ended up staying in the hotel. As we were heading up to our room Lucy and I thought it would be an excellent idea to "borrow" a box of wine, so Lucy hid it under her cardi. Waking up the next morning feeling slightly fragile seeing the box of wine we panicked and decided to hide it on a window sill in the corridor and tucked it behind a curtain! Was very funny at the time and talked about that party for weeks after!”

The Bride with three of her Bridesmaids (L to R Kate, Sarah, Lucy and Rachel )on her birthday night out March 2013

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