Friday 25 January 2013

A very special request from the Bride and a Mama Mia moment

Lucy was a bit unsure of who to ask to give her away to Mark. Lucy’s biological father, my first husband turned out to be Ivan the Terrible  and deserted both of us before she was one year old. Lucy has always appreciated the support from Neil my second husband (hope this doesn’t make me sound too much like Joan Collins!) he has never tried to replace or be her Dad. Lucy massively appreciates the fatherly and ”uncle” ly support since her early childhood from my Dad her Grandpa, and my brother – her Uncle Iain. She is also very close to her brother Richard. So there were numerous options!
However, over dinner one evening, the Bride almost made her Mother of the Bride choke on her broccoli, by saying – “What I’d really like Mum is for you to give me away”. She quickly added “You don’t have to, and you don’t have to decide right now, and whatever you do decide is absolutely fine!”
Well, after I managed to swallow my broccoli, wiped the tears from my eyes. I spent a good few weeks cogitating, decided that I would be honoured to do it. 

Although we currently joke that I am not technically giving her away, more of a long extended loan. Also, joking that the priest in the Abbey may have to prise my arm off Lucy’s arm when he asks “Who gives this woman...” with Lucy doing stage whispers of “Mum, Let go....Mum, let go!” I am sure it will be fine!
I may need to break the habit of a lifetime, and have a quick snifter of wine with Jeanette when I have my hair done on the morning, but after that just focus on enjoying the moment for what it is. That, and wearing a huge massive hat to accompany the Bride down the ancient and majestic aisle in Hexham Abbey, so that no one will notice my quivering legs and lips!

I have tried to work out why I think I will be emotional, because if I can work out why then I should be able to work out how to control it. I guess it is a mixture of huge pride in my daughter. The occasion makes me realise my unconditional and never ending love for my daughter. Also delight that Lucy found her perfect partner, as well as happiness that they are so much in love. A wedding is one of those rights of passage, another stage of her growing up. Which is all good, and I know one can cry happy tears as well as sad.

For any of my close friends who really know me and Lucy , you will know that this song from Mama Mia always gets me going. It is so true – it seems like only a week ago ( infact 18 years or so) with her school bag in her hands she was heading off into the yard in a blue and white gingham dress to Acomb First School. Thanks goodness for "Auntie Clare"...

CLICK on the link below for the Meryl Streep song – Slipping through my fingers
As long as no one plays that as we process together on 2nd November then we will be fine!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. love the bit about a long extended loan :))) and I think you just have to get over the fact that you will cry and have strategically placed tissues all over!

  3. Oh Hils! How perfectly lovely - trust Lucy to think of this perfect idea ~ so pleased you accepted the role, how could you not!
    Well tissues at the end of each pew!
