Wednesday 9 January 2013

Wedding fayre –there’s no show without punch!

As plans began to get firmed up, the regional wedding fayre season began. Lucy and Mark identified the annual event at Gosforth Park Racecourse as one worth attending. They asked a few special guests...of the Bridesmaids both Rachel and Sarah were free and able to attend. Then there was Lucy’s Granny – my Mum Pam, Mark’s Mum Avril, Great Auntie Muriel (my Mum’s sister visiting from Canada and delighted to be here to join the party!) and me – Mother of the Bride!

The Posse!

Hats off to Mark – accompanying this posse of women.  He wasn't the only man there, but they were outnumbered by about 10 to 1. 

We all enjoyed the event including a live singer and fashion show, hundreds of stalls with cake ideas, photographers, favours suppliers, florists, a stall for cosmetic surgery staffed by several  severely botoxed ladies and a crude magician! We all got goody bags on departure so a good day out. 

Lucy and Mark then attended another wedding fayre the next weekend and met and subsequently booked a talented wedding singer to entertain at the evening reception. The spreadsheet now has a fifth tab – songs for Gary!

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