Tuesday 22 October 2013

We plough the fields and scatter..just chill!

So as we slip into late October, and the days are getting shorter – we have had a few gloomy days weather wise. Dull grey days that make you want to curl up with a hot Ribena! But no slacking here, we have reached the stage where there are almost daily wedding things to be done. I love it.

The Bride, Groom, Granny and I are keeping each other on track to make sure nothing gets missed. Have to say though, when I mentioned icing flowers for the cake to Lucy again today, she laughed at me and said, “Everyone just needs to take a lesson from Lucy and chill a bit!”

One of the nice wedding related things to do which brightened my day today , was to finally collect my outfit. There was a little bit of sunshine for a change which highlighted the beautiful reds and golds of autumn leaves on the trees on the road to Gunnerton.  One of the previous visits earlier this month, the fields near Chollerton had been ploughed and the birds in the fields were making the most of it! Beautiful.

Auriole B really is a Brilliant seamstress and has completed the MOTB dress project with amazing skill. We both agreed that we love the colour, material and style. As I drove home with the outfit concealed in a white suit cover I had a tingle. A tingle of excitement that we are so close.

So the whole outfit is coming together, although I have had a slight shoe dilemma to share – which thankfully has now been solved! My dyed kitten heels after 10 minutes of wear trying hats on the other week, lead to the little cap on the heel twisting off at an angle. I couldn’t move it back by hand so the ever helpful AJ Bridalwear had them back to the manufacturer  faster than you can say John Barrowman, and hey presto they are repaired and ready to collect.

Now what’s next?? Icing flowers!!

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