Saturday 26 October 2013

Wedding cakes part 2 and 3

We hosted our very own Great British Bake off recently. 
My Mum aka Granny Pam with assistance from Richard completed the medium and large sponge wedding cakes. They were baked over two consecutive evenings, first the chocolate sponge and then the plain sponge.  Granny chose to bake them at our house as the oven is bigger, so the mammoth bake off began. Quantities of eggs, flour, sugar and butter were worked out like mathematical equations. The large borrowed tins were methodically lined with greaseproof paper.

Richard was called in to do the beating of sugar and butter as this took some muscle power!

The smell of the baking cakes was amazing, took me back to times when as a child when my Mum baked cakes at the weekend for a Sunday tea.

So the two cakes are currently safely stashed in the freezer, ready for icing sometime this next week!

Granny does make us laugh, in a good way. She has been saying for weeks, I must marzipan the fruit cake, I must marzipan the fruit cake – but somehow always ran out of time. Anyway, one day she rang to say “ I decided to stop talking about it, and just do it”!

Here she is below putting the white icing on the fruit cake which will form the top layer.

Apparently the bride has approved bridesmaid Sarah’s designs of sugared flowers, and is sorted for next week for Sarah and Granny to do the final planning of how it will all work together. TICK!!

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