Tuesday 1 October 2013

Here’s your hat, what’s your hurry?

Good news, I have now had a few more MOTB dress fittings with Auriole B.
Auriole has been very understanding about the posse of supporters I take. This includes either my Mum, Lucy and/or my friend and style guru Brenda. For the third fitting just with my Mum, Auriole had made a mock up of the outfit in delightful pink cotton. I almost changed my mind and chose the pink! Joking... I am very glad there were no cameras there to capture that one! I have to say I really love the colour  of the fabric I have chosen, it very me and apparently IN or is it ON fashion trend. Well there is a first time for everything.

I changed my idea of which shoes to wear after several friends commented that I must not be frumpy. So I decided to get some proper shoes from A&J Bridal Wear where Lucy is getting her dress. The shoes are much more wedding-y than an earlier blog post, and are currently being dyed to exactly compliment my outfit.

So all that is left is the hat!

Prior to shopping I checked some of the wedding etiquette on MOTB hats....here’s one of interest 
Suit your style Remember, you’re wearing the hat and not the other way around. Be confident but choose a style that ultimately you’re comfortable in and one that complements your shape and height. If you’re tall avoid tall hats and go for wider brims. If you’re short avoid large hats and go for smaller structured creations.
So the hat hunt began at “Hattie’s” with my Mum, Avril (Mark’s Mum) and me all hoping to find the final piece of the outfit jigsaw.  We were joined by Lucy, Joanne (Mark’s sister) and her 6 month old little boy Theo. Avril and Jo have used the shop previously, so it came highly recommended. Hattie’s home is a small ish shop in Stockton on Tees, which the 6 of us just about filled. The shop is packed to bursting point with all manner of wonderful and colourful headpiece creations.

Lucy had commented previously, what a coincidence it was that a lady called Hattie runs a hat shop! So being polite people, as we took turns to be guided to try on hats for the big day, we all said “Oh that’s nice Hattie” or “Thank you Hattie” as we were passed another hat to try. That was until Jo managed to whisper to Avril, who then told Lucy that Hattie was in fact called Dot. They didn’t manage to tell my Mum and me , so we both continued to call the proprietor Hattie for the rest of our visit.

Now apparently, hats as we used to know then are now out of fashion, and IN are hatinators. A bit like fascinators but with much more on them! The good thing is that they sit on a band, so no fear of dreaded “hat hair”.  For anyone who really knows me they will understand that at times like this, I sometimes I think I have entered a parallel universe.
Granny went first, and after a few “Oh no I couldn’t possibly wear that” ....she was guided to a perfect hat for her outfit. Avril was then assisted, and Lucy had a try on while she waited.

Sorry this is sideways but you get the idea of how colourful Hattie's was
Then it was the turn of MOTB. My only requirement was that the headpiece be big...given the etiquette advice, I am neither short nor tall so reckon as long as the hat is not too tall or wide I should be ok. I tried a few but wasn’t too keen, then tried one which contrasted with my outfit, and was certainly big! All assembled including Theo said  (well Theo kind of gurgled) that it was perfect and with the promise from Hattie aka Dot that she would add some hints of my dress material to match them up, we all departed.

Excited at being able to tick something else off the spreadsheet, I then shared the news along with a photo or two with some friends...and then had a bit of a rethink. Brenda, on the phone practically heading (no pun intended) for the airport was constructively positive. The summary of her advice being that the hat is an accessory and not the main attraction...so we agreed to have a session together when she gets back ( mid October) to look for the perfect topper to the MOTB outfit. Not to say that the one at Hattie's isnt it.

Since then my friend , bridesmaid Kate’s Mum “Auntie Clare” and I met up last Friday evening to have a quick view of the hats on offer in Debenhams. Not many MOTB biggies but good to get ideas. Although I did suffer a major hot flush with all the fun, and had to tie my hair up to cool down!!

Then Clare suggested we try the Get Smart shop at Blagdon’s Milkhope Centre.
So we met there on Saturday and had a good try on. This time the posse included Lucy and Rachel, I had forgotten how entertaining these two  are together. As we looked around some of the other outlets, I was walking ahead of them in a quaint craft type shop where some ornate bird feeders were on display. I heard Lucy say, “What eats monkey nuts?”, as Rachel didn’t reply, Lucy continued , “Squirrels? SO what eats monkey nuts?” Rachel piped up “ I like monkey nuts but not in a thing like that”.....Oh to be blonde!

This hat visit was just for me to get more ideas. 

The best view!

The main lesson to come from all of this is, you really do need the outfit on, and possibly the shoes too – to ensure the full effect. So one step forward and two back, while Auriole finishes the outfit, while the shoes are being dyed, while Brenda gently tans in Greece – I can do no more for now.

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