Sunday 27 October 2013

Suits you, part 2

We had a world record achievement today. My Dad, who was very proud to say that until this year, he had only ever been to the Metrocentre once. Today, he completed his third visit this year, making a grand total of 4 visits. Each of the four as brief as possible.

The visit today was timed to perfection, with me collecting Dad, then Richard from rowing and meeting Lucy at Greenwoods at precisely 3pm. Dad didn’t say much as we processed through the Metro which was bedecked with lavish Christmas decorations - errrr it is still October! and packed ( despite the local football derby being held at the Stadium of Light) with shoppers.

Richard and Dad both tried their suits on and as everything was in order, we were able to bring the suits away with us ready for the BIG day. We were back in the car, having met Auntie Moo who had been doing a little retail therapy of her own, and were all back in the car by 3.20pm. Dad physically exhaled as we came off the A1 back on to the A69.

Once we returned to the safe haven of # 10 we gathered with Granny to debrief the trip. The octogenarian of few words, then shared his experience which included reference to the fact that he’d been asked to change into the fine suit in “ a room smaller than our shower cabinet”. The young lady assistant had chatted him up, asking him “Are you ready for the big day?” * She was just being polite. He replied telling her that he still had so much to do. And told us it really was none of her business.

Anyway, this old MOTB who is quite emotional this last week, often having an unexpected tear at an unexpected moment ( sorry Jeanette!) was bursting with pride to see both my Dad and son looking so very smart in their suits. Photo below is obviously cropped to maintain the secret till the big day!

I had a lump in my throat and another tear in my eye when they stood side by side all suited up, with the Christmas decorations twinkling in the background...

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