Friday 4 October 2013

Hens over and out!

“We” head away today on the hen do.
I have only ever been to three  - two of my own (!) and the third was my good friend from college days who became one of Lucy’s Godmothers, Janet. All three were pretty mild do’s – a few quiet drinks on an evening ( well maybe not quiet!) and my second one being a 10 pin bowling session with good friends including Lucy who was 10 and no alcohol as I happened to be in the very early stages of pregnancy with Richard! So I am a real “hen” novice!

So, it is with great excitement and trepidation we head to a secret location in the Lakes. We have young, old and inbetween attending some for one night, some for two. Along with a great group of Lucy’s bridesmaids, friends there’s Granny, MOTG Avril and MOTB! Chief Bridesmaid to Princess Lucy had done a magnificent job in making the weekend very Lucy themed. And maybe more will be revealed after the event, but as they say “What happens in the Lakes, stays in the Lakes”

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