Tuesday 15 October 2013

Order, Order and purple ink!

We recently took delivery of the Order of Service covers. Once the final content for the inside is approved, Neil (Hubby of MOTB) has offered to print them off (as he is the only one who can work out how to set and print it as an A5 booklet!) In fact once he accepted the task, being such a perfectionist he treated himself to a long arm stapler and a guillotine in preparation.

I have to say, the Bride and Groom have chosen some lovely hymns and other music along with a couple of readings to complement the Church of England ceremony. Among them, Lucy has chosen a hymn which reminds her of her time as a child going to Trinity Church with Granny, and Mark loves Last Night of the Proms, so there’s a traditional stirring hymn - sure to have the Abbey roof metaphorically raised on the day.

We now have all the stationery, the Lucy and Mark logo has been carried through on everything. Thanks so much to Helen and Allan  http://www.wearetrust.co.uk/   for their respective project management & design and printing. All top notch! I have really appreciated all their help, and know guests have already and will love the exceptional high quality and attention to detail.

Lucy had recently asked Neil , as he has the neatest handwriting in the family (!) if he would write all the table names and the individual name place cards. I always think he has robot writing, but as he said, "Have you ever seen a robot write?" Again, being the perfectionist he is, Neil duly ordered a new fountain pen set with many a nib and some purple ink. 

The weather last weekend made it impossible for Neil to do some much needed autumn gardening. So he set about the task of writing each guests name (twice – double sided place cards making it easy for all guests to get to know everyone’s name on the table)  Neil did have some initial serious ink issues, which resulted in some loud grumblings from his office, muttering that there was ink everywhere and he was going to throw the **!?!* blummin pen out! 

However, after a nib change, all was well and Neil methodically went through the list. 

Next day, Neil tackled the table names. Larger cards, double sided again. I came home from a morning of taxi duty with Richard at rugby then football, to be asked if I could confirm the names were correct and to verify the spelling of each. He is quite formal sometimes! 
I did this on google, spotted one correction and hopefully if Wikipedia doesn’t let me down we are now all done. Such fun!

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