Monday 14 October 2013

The hole in the spreadsheet....

It had to happen, as we hurtle closer to the big day, something would reveal itself as not being covered on the master spreadsheet.
As someone who has to be organised, and gets real satisfaction at ticking things off any list - not just the wedding spreadsheet, you can only imagine the horror when, whilst bobbing up and down in our regular aquafit class, my good friend Anne ( who has patiently listened to every tiny detail of the big day, every week now for almost the past year!!) said, “And of course you will be sending a report to the Hexham Courant...”

 I stopped bobbing and took a deep breath then confessed it wasn’t on the spreadsheet or even anywhere in my head!

Anne kindly texted me a reminder that evening, as being in the pool can bring on goldfish memory issues, and I can report with great relief that not only is it added to the list, I have rung the Courant and they are sending me the forms electronically. Phew!

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